'✅Rebounding for Kids | Fun Street Dance Trampoline Workout | Childrens Trampoline Fitness'

'✅Rebounding for Kids | Fun Street Dance Trampoline Workout | Childrens Trampoline Fitness'
24:07 Feb 21, 2021
'30 minutes Street Bound is a fusion of funky street dance and core stability moves, combined to provide a truly cool and fun cardio workout! The professionally choreographed routines provide all the benefits of a traditional rebound class but with the flare and style of street dance.  Suitable for use on mini-trampoline equipment from Rebound Fitness - www.rebound.fitness or other recommended high quality rebounders.  Children should be supervised at all times by a parent or suitably qualified adult - these are exercise videos for use on exercise equipment and not toys.' 

Tags: workout for beginners , rebounder , trampoline , trampoline workout , rebounding , teenager exercise , teenager fitness , trampoline workout for children , trampoline workout for kids , exercise in schools , teenager mental health , Rebounding fitness videos , mini trampoline exercise videos , rebounding for kids

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